Questions about delivery:

How long does it take to deliver a letter?

The delivery time depends on the recipient country. Thanks to cooperation with local delivery partners and DHL, superpost offers fast and reliable delivery:

Recipient country

Delivery time

Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and the Netherlands

1 working day*


1-4 working days**

Rest of Europe

3-9 working days**

Rest of the world

4-18 working days**

*If the letter was posted before 12:00 pm CE(S)T
**If the letter was posted before 10:00 am CE(S)T

Does superpost provide a proof of delivery?

Unfortunately, we do not receive proof of delivery for letters. If letters cannot be delivered by the post, superpost will automatically notify you via email as soon as we’ve been informed by the postal service.

What happens if I enter an incorrect recipient address?

If the recipient's address is incorrect, the letter will in most cases be undeliverable. In this case, the letter is recorded using the data matrix code in the letter’s address window and destroyed unopened afterwards. As soon as your letter has been recorded, superpost will automatically inform you by email.

Which delivery services are used to send my letter?

superpost works with local and international delivery partners.

Deutsche Post
Österreichische Post
Schweizer Post
India Post

Can I send a registered letter?

No. Right now we can’t send registered letters. But we’re working on it.

Does superpost offer letter tracking?

Your letter can be tracked from digital processing to printing to delivery to the postal service. Once the letter has been handed over to the postal service, you’ll be informed by email. Your letter goes through the following steps:

Letter submitted to superpost:
The letter is successfully submitted to superpost either by upload or via the letter generator.

Automatic letter processing:
After it has been submitted, the letter automatically ends up in letter processing. In this step, the letter is printed, packaged, franked, and forwarded to the postal service.

The letter is forwarded to the postal service:
The postal service will then try to deliver the letter to the recipient's address.

If you don’t receive a notification, your letter has been successfully delivered.

Letter could not be delivered:
If your letter couldn’t be delivered to the address you entered, we’ll send you an email notification and the letter will automatically be destroyed unopened.

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